World Health Day 2016

Raising Awareness Of Diabetes

Today marks World Health Day, every year it’s aim is to raise awareness of various health issues effecting people around the globe, this year their focus is on diabetes.

Diabetes effects 422 million people worldwide, 3 million of these in the UK and an additional half a million thought to be undiagnosed. Over the last 35 years the number of people with this disease has quadrupled worldwide, with figures set to double again over the next 20 years.

In many cases type 2 diabetes is preventable by implementing simple lifestyle choices such as healthy eating and exercise, these measures can also help to manage the disease.

One of the main forms of exercise encouraged by healthcare organizations to help combat diabetes is walking, an easy and safe workout that not only helps reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and dementia but helps improve blood pressure, cholesterol and depression. Health studies have revealed that 30 minutes of brisk walking a day can slash the risk of diabetes by 30%, combined with a balanced diet this risk can be lowered even more.

2 women over mawddach

To find out more about walking with diabetes check out Walking for Health, a wonderful organisation set up to promote the health benefits of walking.





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