Whether you live in the UK or are hoping to visit from abroad, it really is a great summer to visit Britain. With our awe-inspiring scenery and unrivaled heritage there is a tremendous amount to inspire holiday-makers, and now it makes a lot of financial sense too.

If you’re thinking of visiting from abroad, you’ll be getting great value for money this summer, with your Dollar or Euro getting you further than ever before. Fantastic news if you’ve always wanted see the Scottish highlands or walk the beautiful coastlines of Wales and southern England.

Meanwhile, for those of us living in the UK, there’s a lot of benefits to think about too. Not only have recent studies shown that holidaying at home this year will save us money*, but you’ll be eliminating many of the stresses currently associated with going abroad, as well as helping to boost and support our own local communities.

Of course all of this would be redundant if we weren’t also confident in the fact that Britain is a fantastic holiday destination. We have breathtakingly beautiful beaches and landscape, some of the oldest and best preserved heritage in the world, upcoming culinary expertise and a diversity in culture quite unique for such a small country.

Even if you’re from the UK or have visited plenty of times before we’re confident in finding a hidden corner that you will take just as much pleasure in discovering as any elsewhere. Indeed, one of the most recurring themes in the feedback we get from our customers, is the pleasure and astonishment they get in discovering hidden gems they never even knew existed.

If you need a little inspiration, here are some of our recommendations.

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*A recent study by TravelSupermaket has found that the average 4 person holiday abroad will cost British families £245 more post Brexit.

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