Great Britain is criss-crossed with more foot-pounds than you can shake a stick at and a good number of them are exceptionally long. If you are looking to take a short-break or a weekend walking holiday it is often these long-distance trails that are bypassed in favour of shorter ‘complete’ journeys on foot. Here at Celtic Trails, specialists in the UK walking holidays and weekend walking holidays, we find it a little frustrating to think of so many less-popular walks that are not experienced because they can seem too daunting. Are

There is a lovely article in The Guardian newspaper titled Walking guides: the UK is a long-distance footpaths in easy stages. In the section on walking holidays, the subtitle to the article is “Britain’s walking trails provide great views of the country but if you’re daunted by their length, try tackling them in ‘collectible’ chunks, like our writer who is walking the Grand Union canal – over nine months”. And there you have the perfect solution. Give yourself a challenge, but don’t try to achieve it all in one go.

With Celtic Trails we are more than happy to introduce you to a number of suitable long-distance walking trails and get you started with a weekend break to give you a taste of the adventure that lies ahead of you, an adventure that can last not just for nine months as Alan Franks’ chunks of walking took, you could spread it out over two or three years, treating yourself to two or three weekend walking holidays a year.

It is interesting to see the number of returning customers we have who initially opted for a weekend walking holiday, but once bitten by the bug, have come back to us to arrange for 7- and 14-day UK walking holidays. Here at Celtic Trails we like to look upon ourselves as a bit of a UK travel agent where we can help you explore some of the lesser known parts of this wonderful country. To find out more about the holidays available at Celtic Trails, just give us a call.

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