~ Follow our 26 simple steps for a safe, considerate and stress-free walking holiday this summer ~

Ask the experts- Celtic Trails’ online ‘walk finder’ can help you find the perfect walking holiday destination for you. Or just call us on 01291 689774 and we’ll talk you through some options.

Broaden your horizons- enjoy the feeling of ditching a routine and setting off into the great outdoors to explore.

Courtesy costs nothing- give way to other walkers who are taking things faster than you on narrow pathways. Let them over bridges and through gates and stiles first; show some manners even if they don’t.

Don’t panic if you get lost. All National Trails and Long-Distance Paths (LDPs) are way-marked. Celtic Trails’ guests receive detailed maps and route notes in their Walk Pack, and with patience you should soon pick up the path again. Take an old-fashioned compass to help with direction.

Eat a super snack- do you flag a bit after a few hours of walking? Pack a few packets of energy-boosting nuts, dates or a banana to perk you up when you’re feeling a bit pooped.

Flower power- watch out for plant pests such as stinging nettles, especially if you react badly to feisty flora. And take anti-histamine cream to smooth onto any itches before they take over.

Get personal – Celtic Trails plan individual walking holidays in intricate detail so you don’t have to. Trips include accommodation with breakfast (certain itineraries packed lunches and dinners, too); transfer to and from the path if needed; and Walk Pack with route maps, guidebooks, accommodation details and local information.

Have a look at the local weather forecast and adjust your kit according. Layers are the way to go but don’t forget a light waterproof jacket if it’s going to be changeable. It’s always a good idea to make a note of what time sunset will be so you don’t get caught out in the dark.

Insurance is essential- make sure you’re covered for the cost of cancelling, delaying or cutting your trip short, lost or stolen property, emergency medical attention and personal liability.

Join a local walking group a few months before your walking holiday it’s a great way to get a few miles’ experience under your belt before embarking on longer hikes.

Keep your eyes peeled- you might be mesmerised by a glorious sunrise, sunset or spectacular view but do watch your step- you don’t want to lose your footing and take a fall. It’s best not to wear headphones that may prevent you from hearing approaching danger either.

Less is more – don’t be a packhorse, keep what you carry to a minimum. Remember, with Celtic Trails each day your luggage is collected and transferred to your next night’s accommodation.

Maps are marvellous- taking some time to really study your route before you head out pays dividends. Celtic Trails provide detailed maps and notes for all their walkers.

Never mess with wildlife, fauna and flora. Be respectful for birds and animals, don’t make loud noises or get too close and scare; don’t dig up wild flower bulbs to take home please, leave them be!

Our walkers all benefit from the great relationships Celtic Trails has built with hotels and B&Bs we use over many years, so don’t be surprised to find some extra services available, such as clothes washing, packed lunches and muddy boot storage.

Pick up litter- your own, of course- but also set a good example and collect up other people’s discarded crisp packets, drink cans etc, too. Keep the countryside clean and beautiful.

Quench your thirst- drink lots of water while out walking to keep well hydrated, even if it’s not sunny. Get a reusable water bottle you can top up rather than keep buying plastic bottles.

Report any broken signs, stiles or paths that are in need of some upkeep. You can update the National Trust officers on problems via the feedback section of their website or (for all other trails in England) use the Ramblers Society’s Pathwatch Scheme.

Slap on the suncream- even if you don’t think it’s that hot, always wear high-factor sun protection. Sun burn to sore and unsightly- who wants to be a lobster

Tell someone where you’re going, even if it’s not off the beaten track and especially if you’re going alone. Charge your phone before setting off, too. Celtic Trails holidays include 24/7 emergency support, with a special emergency line for out of office hours.

Unwind and break up your journey by including an extra non-walking day in your itinerary so you can recuperate and gently explore the local area and attractions

Volunteers help keep Britain’s great routes beautiful for future walkers, so why not give something back after you’ve enjoyed your walking holiday and find a group near you to join?

Wear worn-in, comfortable footwear rather than tight brand-new boots or shoes, however snazzy they are, and take plasters, just in case you get a blister.

Xis for kissing gates- they are slowly replacing cumbersome stiles on National Trails up and down the country. Always ensure you close all other gates behind you.

Your choice – you choose the dates, number of walking days, preferred daily distances and rest days. Choose from our every increasing range of walks or add rest days so that you can absorb more of your surroundings.

Zip-lock bags – pack a handful of different sizes as they’re the perfect place to store wet and muddy clothes temporarily until you can get to a washing machine.

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