Today is officially the start of summer and with it sees the launch of #30dayswild, a month long challenge created by The Wildlife Trusts to encourage people do something wild every day for the duration of June. Now in it’s second year the aim is to get people to connect with nature and feel happier and healthier in the process.

We think it’s a fantastic project so have come up with a few ways to inspire you to do something wild this June.

Visit an AONB

Llandwyn Island

Following on from our last blog, why not visit one of our  AONB’s or National Park this June, with 46 Areas of Outstanding National Beauty and 13 National Parks to choose from you can be sure to find one close to home. Whether it’s the heather carpeted moors of the Quantocks, the rolling hills of the South Downs, the scenic coastline of the Anglesey Coast Path or the peaks of the Lake District, the diverse British landscape has it all.

Take a Walk Everyday


Two women taking a rest by estuary wales July

It is no secret that walking everyday is one of the best forms of exercise with proven far reaching health benefits for both body and mind. Proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and strokes as well as an increasing a sense of wellbeing what better way to connect with nature than engaging with nature than this low impact form of exercise. You could even venture out for a solo walk and enjoy the wilderness without any distractions.

Go Foraging

Wild Garlic in the Wye Valley


Throughout Spring and Summer woodland, hedgerows and coastlines are array with an abundance of berries, flora and foliage that can be picked, eaten fresh or turned into delicious recipes. With the popularity of foraging on the increase you can find many books and online guides offering advice on picking wild food, back in late April we highlighted the joys of Spring foraging for wild garlic in the Wye Valley. Unfortunately this aromatic, tasty plant is coming to the end of it’s season however June brings it’s own delights with Elderflowers, Lemon Balm, Chickweed now flourishing.

Visit a Trig Pillar

Cailach Point, West Coast Scotland

This year marks the 80th birthday of the trig pillar, stone markers found across the UK built to help surveying term improve the accuracy of their readings. With new technology their original use is now redundant but these quintessentially British columns now attract walkers in their 1000’s enticed by their locations, more often than not sat at a geographical high point offering superb uninterrupted views of the surrounding area. Not all the original pillars still exist however some 6,190 still remain, Ordnance Survey are currently running The Trig Pillar Challenge, simply take a photo of a trig pillar and tag on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #TrigPillar80 for a chance to win a limited edition T-Shirt.

Watch The Sunrise

Llandecwyn church and Dwyryd estuary at sunset


With the promise of a new day ahead dawn brings with it endless possibilities, it not only allows us to reflect on the day ahead but to appreciate nature in all it’s glory. Nothing quite compares to watching the rich array of colours proceed the sun slowing making an appearance accompanied by the dawn chorus.

This time of year might require us to get up rather early to experience this natural marvel but whether you are watching the sunrise over a city skyline, a mountain vista or as it sleepily appears from the ocean it is aguably one of the best ways to connect with nature.


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